I installed KDE NEon latest on my newly bought PC (with a NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Ti graphic card if this helps).
The problem is, that chrome (v131) isn’t usable. It starts and looks good at first, but I have a hughe latency on keyboard input when typing. Sometimes even a random pipe symbol appears (but only in address bar). Also sometimes mouse hover effects over html elements or other animations are bugged/flickering. Or on on typing in this textarea, the addressbar gets a border for 0.5 seconds. I am not sure, how to describe it properly. There a so many weired (graphic?) bugs. Or this:
All of this is only happening on Chrome so far. Firefox is working. But I need chrome as an webdev as well.
What I have already tried:
- I tried to install both - from Discover as a flatpak as well as directly as a deb from Google.
- I disabled Harddware acceleration in chrome settings.
- Since I had graphic problems from the start, I installed the latest 560.35.03 nvidia drivers and now most problems are gone. Tried 555 and 550 with same issues.
Any ideas?