Clip markers "disappearing" randomly in 24.05.02

Has anyone else noticed this happening? I don’t think it’s entirely random, but I haven’t quite figured out exactly why the ones that disappeared did so.

I suspect it has something to do with applying them to clips on locked tracks in the timeline, but it doesn’t seem to be quite that simple either.

When I “finish” editing a timeline, I like to lock all the tracks so I don’t accidentally change things while doing post-editing tasks like adding subtitles and taking stills from the footage. Usually I mark each clip at the frame where I took a still image from it, and kdenlive allows me to do this on the timeline with a locked track, but it seems that some of those markers aren’t getting saved with the project, and are no longer there when I reopen the project after closing the kdenlive session I added them in.

I know there are some oddities with track locking - if you try to change a subtitle on a locked subtitle track, the editor widget will let you change the text, but the change isn’t applied to the subtitle on the timeline. And when you open a project with locked tracks, the locking state is preserved, but locking the tracks is applied as a “change” to the saved state making the project dirty (with unsaved changes applied in the undo buffer) each time you reopen it…

So I’m not even quite sure yet if the problem occurs when I’m saving the project, or if the marks are somehow being lost when I reopen it …

I suggest to open a bug report. There have been several reports about wrong saves already, so this may fit right in …