Colors not applying to even System Config Window

Hello people, I just now installed Plasma on a fresh Arch and I am having issues with the colors, only seems to apply to the topbar, some windows can be seen “normally” but even System Config is a mess and never changes regardless of what I try (obviously tried rebooting after changes and still always the same)

KDE Plasma Version: 6.2.4
KDE Frameworks Version: 6.8.0
Qt Version: 6.8.0
Kernel Version 6.12.1-Arcg1-1(64-bit)
Graphic Platfrom: Wayland

I checked some stuff I found on forums but I have no clue, sorry, but I hope it is worth something and I really need help here.

   ~ env | grep -i qt

It seems to be working “just fine” on Apps like Dolphin but not on others, heck, even the Icons are showing different between Dolphin which is taking the whole config FINE and then the taskbar menu and system config that are not changing, thus showing a mess I can’t manage to solve

Not sure about a bad install. But I can tell you that you’re using a kvantum color. Is your application style set to kvantum or breeze or something else?

EDIT: Sorry, in the Application Style it is on Breeze now, but I tried Kvantum and QT5CT-Style as well as QT6CT-Style without any change…

I always used KDE and apply the color chemes without issue on other installs. I wanted to make a clean one over Arch so I went and installed it from zero using the standard meta package.

BTW on most Apps it seems to be fine, I can notice by the color and icons, but on most System Settings configs it shows like in the screenshot.

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Hi - seeing you mention those jumped out at me - just to check, have you referenced the Arch Wiki for KDE Plasma? KDE - ArchWiki

The specific thing that jumped out is from one of the pages linked from there - Distributions/Packaging Recommendations - KDE Community Wiki - which mentions that qt5ct and qt6ct can break the look and feel of Qt software when run on Plasma. It might be worth walking through those recommendations to see if there are things on your system that could be tweaked?

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Ok… thanks, I read it now and it could be the issue… and THANKS again because I now went into specifict options regardless QT and was able to change some stuff there and fix it, it was so simple looking back… but I NEVER touched in years the QT or Kvantum options because I usually set the basic of Themes on System Settings (which now was “broken”) and I forget about it.

Have a nice day sir!

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Qt5ct &Co are for gtk de’s where you need to run qt apps on and have them adapt to the gtk color.

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