When I open the 'Manage Subtitles" window, the entire program crashes after I close it. I have the latest version of kdenlive, and I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling the program. Is there any way to fix this so I can move forward with my project? Or is this a bug that I’ll have to hope will get fixed in a future version? I can’t seem to report bugs myself. Thanks in advance for any help.
What platform are you on? It shouldn’t actually be crashing in the current appimage, at least not if you just open and close it with a cleanly reset config … but yes, there are quite a few issues with it, and I’m working my way through fixes for them in a future release now.
What are you trying to do that you need that dialogue for?
Thank you for your reply! I’m using a Macbook Pro.
Here’s a quick video of the problem I’m having: h ttps://youtu.be/WNUPJ4v9JNo
I’m trying to create a new style of subtitle. I was able to create two, but now I can’t do it at all.
Thanks for reporting. The issue is fixed in the meantime and will be available in the upcoming version 24.12.2 until mid February.
Fantastic! Thank you for your help and support!!
For a workaround in the meantime, you can edit the .ass file directly and just create a new Style: line The meaning of the fields are described in that file.
You will need to do that without your project loaded in kdenlive at the time though.