Creating Input Method subcategory?

I’m considering asking Carl to create an “Input Method” subcategory under this Local communities category (or anywhere else in Discuss). What do you think about it?
In the “Input Method” channel, Input Method Editor (IME) users such as CJKV speakers can post their questions and discussions about IME in English.

Because there are a very small number of Japanese users of desktop Linux with KDE Plasma, I cannot ask anyone when I encounter some troubles related to Japanese Input.
I guess the basic usage of fcitx (an IM framework that is popular among KDE users) is mostly the same in the languages, so I think we can share some knowledge.

If you are an IME user and you find the “Input Method” subcategory useful, please vote in the following poll.
If there are some votes, I will ask Carl to create it.

Do you want the “Input Method” subcategory?
  • My native language requires IME, and I want the “Input Method” subcategory
  • I’m a non-native speaker of the language to require IME, and I want the “Input Method” subcategory
  • I don’t want you to create an “Input Method” subcategory (Please comment why)
0 voters