Crow Translate: Speech synthesis support

Hey, it’s seem like speech synthesis option has been dropped in newer Crow Translate (3.1.1).
Although I click on play text speaking but no sound outs.

I am curious if it is an intention or If I was lacking of something?
I’m using AppImage version of Crow Translate on Ubuntu 22.04.

Btw, fcitx5 also don’t work on input box of CT 3.x.x.
I thought it because of the transition to KDE environment, but is there any workaround?

Some error logs

defaultServiceProvider::requestService(): no service found for - "org.qt-project.qt.mediaplayer"
defaultServiceProvider::requestService(): no service found for - "org.qt-project.qt.mediaplayer"
Error: LSTM requested, but not present!! Loading tesseract.
Error: LSTM requested, but not present!! Loading tesseract.
QHotkey: "Failed to register Ctrl+Alt+E. Error: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)"

Hi! Hmm, I don’t hear any sound output either when I try the Fedora RPM-packaged version of Crow Translate.

This seems likely to be a bug, which would make sense to be filed in the KDE Bugtracking System. The Community Wiki guide to using that to report issues is located here: Get Involved/Issue Reporting - KDE Community Wiki