I have kde installed on a Win11 laptop and an Android 13 mobile. I use it to control my laptop with my mobile. Everything works fine (connection, remote control) except custom commands.
I was able to define several commands, but if I try to execute them nothing happens.
Any help appreciated!
Hmmm I use KDE connect on Manjaro and it does work… but you have to formulate the commands with care.
I have these - exported to JSON - which work with my KDE desktop, I can request a screenshot to my phone, adjust volume, launch Strawberry music player etc.
"command": "loginctl lock-session",
"name": "Lock Screen"
"command": "file=/tmp/$(hostname)_$(date \"+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S\").png; spectacle -bno \"${file}\" && kdeconnect-cli -d $(kdeconnect-cli -a --id-only) --share ${file}",
"name": "PrSc>phone"
"command": "systemctl reboot",
"name": "Reboot"
"command": "strawberry.sh",
"name": "Strawberry"
"command": "strawberry -t",
"name": "Strawberry - Pause"
"command": "strawberry -s",
"name": "Strawberry - stop"
"command": "systemctl suspend",
"name": "Suspend"
"command": "loginctl unlock-session",
"name": "Unlock Screen"
"command": "amixer -q sset Master 10%+",
"name": "Vol+"
"command": "amixer -q sset Master 10%-",
"name": "Vol-"
"command": "conky -d -c ~/Dropbox/Admin/conky/c0-time.conky && conky -d -c ~/Dropbox/Admin/conky/c0-date.conky && conky -d -c ~/Dropbox/Admin/conky/c2-network.conky && conky -d -c ~/Dropbox/Admin/conky/c1-information.conky\nfi",
"name": "conky"
"command": "",
"name": ""
My commands should also be correct. I use one template and 2 other very simple commands (e.g. cmd.exe)
You’ll know they are actually correct when they actually work.