The title may sound repetitive, but it’s not. Believe me…
After countless attempts, I’ve given up and come here to ask for help, or in this case, to ask for a development for the Plasma settings. I think I’ve tried every mix of regions (locale)…
Allow us to create personalised regional settings, just as we can do in the shell with locales (i18n), where we can simply edit the locale files to make a better representation of dates, times, numbers, etc.
With the exception of North Americans, nobody likes imperial system, nobody uses American-style dates and times… However, many prefer the English language, simply because it sounds better and is easier in the IT world.
I can customise my shell locales according to my preferences, but I can’t do that on my lovely desktop environment - Plasma (I still call it KDE).
My suggestion/request:
- Make Plasma use the system files /usr/share/i19n/locale
or - Leave all QT files relating to locales in text mode, and not in binary mode, so that we can change them as we can the system ones (/usr/share/i19n/locale).
or - Add an option in the Regional Settings to enter customised formats
Here’s an example of how I like it (just because it’s easier to read/use):
Time: HH:MM:SS (24 hours)
Numbers: 1,234.56 (for negatives -1.234,56)
Currency: 1.234,56 € (for negatives -1.234,56 €)
Thank you advance.
Best regards,