I’m considering using the Welcome Center in Ubuntu Studio, but I’m wondering if there’s a way to change, for instance, the mock desktop layout in the “Simple When Needed” screen.
In Ubuntu Studio, we use a modified layout for our desktop, opting for a top panel and a different default background (see below). As such, the “Simple When Needed” screen doesn’t work, and I noticed it’s not customizable without modifying the package to carry a patch, which is something I certainly don’t want to do as that would affect Kubuntu.
I was considering skipping that screen altogether, but I noticed that the command line options don’t really work since it appears as though Plasma does the launching itself and not through systemd or xdg autorun.
With that in mind, I’m wondering if there is a better way to customize the default screens, or if not, if that could be implemented in the future. I understand the first page can be customized, along with additional pages, but this seems to be a bit of a blocker from using it for Ubuntu Studio.
While that would be nice, the autolaunch mechanism for plasma-welcome seems to be encoded into plasmashell directly, as I could find neither a systemd user service nor an xdg/autorun .desktop file. Therefore a command-line option wouldn’t work for this use case.
Thanks. After experimentation with changing the .desktop file (remember, I’m trying to keep from modifying or patching the source), it appears as though the arguments in Exec=plasma-welcome are not honored when kded launches it, using only the arguments in daemon.cpp. Modifying that would potentially hurt Kubuntu, so that is a no-go as well.
I noticed why, daemon.cpp uses KIO::CommandLauncherJob when it should use KIO::ApplicationLauncherJob that resolves the .desktop file.
That’s a bug, easily fixable.