Date modified is incorrect when importing image from SD card

When I import images from SD card, I found the “Date Modified” is not correct. It should be the same as “Date and Time”. The “Date and Time” is same as the camera time. And the camera time zone is already set as “UTC+8”. The “Data Modified” time kinda like plus another 8 hours when importing images.

Left is imported on Windows, right is imported on Linux

PS: I import images using LightRoom on Windows, and everything is alright.

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I have the same problem, using KDE Plasma 5.27.5

The Date Created is correct for me, but it remains hidden in Dolphin, so it isn’t being used for sorting.

The Date Created is correct for me, but it remains hidden in Dolphin, so it isn’t being used for sorting.

Do you see it if in view “Details” mode, you right-click the column headings, and check “Created”?

Yes I do see it in Details under Image Date Time and Original Date Time. But I don’t see it in any of the filter options for Dolphin…

Also, the discrepancy for me is of listing the image being “created” 4 hours earlier than Image Date.

I am also experiencing this same issue - almost 10 months on from the last post.
Dolphin shows both the “Image Date Time” and “Original Date Time” tags correctly but reports the time in the “Modified” tag as 11 hours in the future.
Critically, jExifTool shows that all the camera generated EXIF metadata tags have the correct timestamp and it’s only the FILE tags that are generated on import that are incorrect.
Any ideas for how to resolve this?

The issue is the timezone is not taken into account it seems here UTC+11. So all the hours should have -11 hours applied and converted back to your system timezone.

Hmm there is now OffsetTimeOriginal in exiv spec since 2016:

A tag used to record the offset from UTC (the time difference from Universal Time Coordinated
including daylight saving time) of the time of DateTimeOriginal tag. The format when recording the
offset is "±HH:MM". The part of "±" shall be recorded as "+" or "-". When the offset are unknown, all the
character spaces except colons (":")should be filled with blank characters, or else the Interoperability
field should be filled with blank characters. The character string length is 7 Bytes including NULL for
termination. When the field is left blank, it is treated as unknown

Source: metadata - Why don't Exif tags contain time zone information? - Photography Stack Exchange

Our code does not handle it: src/extractors/exiv2extractor.cpp · master · Frameworks / KFileMetaData · GitLab

I couldn’t find a reported bug for it.

I created Add support for OffsetTimeOriginal, i.e DateTimeOriginal timezone · Issue #3172 · Exiv2/exiv2 · GitHub upstream as it seems missing there in the first place.

I created 500332 – Photos with timezone in exiv2 should reflect it

Could post in the bug a comment with one of the photos affected attached and this screenshot or just the dates it shows and the date it should have as text.

We NEED an input file to study and fix the issue.

@BushMechanic or @SmileeE if you could post an attachement of a picture concerned and comment to the bug 500332 – Photos with timezone in exiv2 should reflect it

Hi @meven, thanks for getting onto this so quickly. I’ve just uploaded a sample image with all metadata to the bug.

If there’s anything else you need just ask.

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Hmm i have checked the file, this one does not have the issue.

Either your camera did not have a timezone set or does not have the issue, or I misunderstood where the issue is.

Please check.

I have checked and it does have the issue. I have attached screenshots of that photo’s EXIF and FILE metadata as reported by Dolphin and jExifTool. The EXIF data is camera generated and is correct. The FILE metadata is generated by (not just) Dolphin, etc when the image is transferred from the camera and it’s the FILE metadata that’s all over the shop and as you will see, it’s not confined to just the ‘Modified’ field either, the ‘Accessed’ field is also out of whack. In the case of that particular image, the accessed time is shown as the day prior to the image being created which is clearly not possible.

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One think, I would need to make sure, is your timezone, your are on UTC+11, right ?

The issue might be the Ui does not take into account your local timezone.

Yes, that’s right, my timezone is UTC +11 and my system is KDE flavoured Manjaro. Timezone and locale have been set up systemwide using timedatectl and the UEFI system clock is set to UTC so (I think) I’m confident that everything on the system knows what time it is. :crazy_face:

I agree timezone has something to do with this though being that the ‘Modified’ tag is ‘Date/time Created’ +11 but I don’t think it’s the whole story. For one, it’s hard to see what relevance it could have to the value in the ‘Accessed’ tag showing as 19 hours prior to when the image was created. That one’s really weird.

The issue’s not present in apps like Darktable btw as most probably because it uses the camera generated EXIF metadata to organise and sequence images. From what I can tell, it doesn’t use any FILE metadata at all.