Deep links for similar settings in System Settings page

Deep link for almost all pages in System settings for easy navigation to the desired settings even if they entered a wrong settings page. It could be at the bottom of each settings page.

  1. Going to wallpaper page should give a deep-link at the bottom for changing the login screen wallpaper too.
  2. Going to About this system settings page could add a deep-link for users and online online accounts page

It’ll be as helpful as the reorganized System settings in Plasma 6 even if the user entered a wrong page. :fire:
it can be under a section in each page like "[quote=“ksvivek, post:1, topic:9220, full:true”]
Deep link for almost all pages in System settings for easy navigation to the desired settings even if they entered a wrong settings page. It could be at the bottom of each settings page.

  1. Going to wallpaper page should give a deep-link at the bottom for changing the login screen wallpaper too.
  2. Going to About this system settings page could add a deep-link for users and online online accounts page

It’ll be as helpful as the reorganized System settings in Plasma 6 even if the user entered a wrong page. :fire:
it can be under a section in each page like

U might also be looking for

kind of heading.

Would be great if it comes to the upcoming plasma 6 :fire:

This is already a thing in Plasma 6, but needs to be extended to other KCMs:

See Flattened navigation with logically combined KCMs (#15) · Issues · Plasma / System Settings · GitLab for an overview of the re-categorization efforts in general.

These links don’t look like clickable at all. How about making them either links or buttons?

The screenshots u have added doesn’t show what I am expecting. I am expecting something like this(Most Used Pages in the SS Attached)

which will make us navigate to similar settings section in each settings page. Having those in as many settings page as possible will make the navigation much more easier for both new users and other users too.

Something I personally prefer is the ability to launch KCM modules independently if I didn’t first open the Settings window.

This already takes up enough space…

All it would take is a separate launcher for each module, in the Menu I can choose whether to open ‘settings’ or simply ‘Font Manager’ application like this.

You might be interested in Plasma design: flat buttons rework - #16 by Johan_B then :slight_smile:

I don’t understand, that’s what my screenshot shows?

I don’t see how this is better than our current situation, if you find the system settings window takes up too much width then we should reduce that.

Yes. Sorry My Bad. :sweat:
And that’s what I’m expecting for a lot of pages in settings.:sweat_smile:

For changing colours, I had to create a separate launcher to get colours…

But when I open the settings, I prefer the large window for browsing.