Default virtual desktop set from autostart option menu


When you have many virtual desktops, you session opens making your screen move between all those desktops applications opening.

Unfortunately you cannot select your default desktop(the last desktop to show after all apps area loaded).

I used to use this solution when it worked for me :

Maybe there could be an option in the autostart menu to select a virtual desktop number to set on after the autostart is done?

I’m not sure I understand. You simply want a given desktop to launch when you’re logged in?
If so, make a little script ( sleep 5 && wmctrl -s X) and put it in autostart. (Guess you don’t even need the sleep)

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Thank you Dzon, it does work fine like this indeed and for me the issue was the sleep time was not long enough.

I must say that I also open this thread because I think there could be an option for this as not everyone knows about wmctrl.

Or if not an option, maybe a ? box “how to set a default desktop on load” in the virtual desktop menu.
What do you think?

Me think you shouldn’t ask me to ( or not) submit a suggestion. Personally, I probably use a xdotool a 100% more than I do wmctrl but, yeah, some people might wanna know.

Hey Dzon

That is cool. Now I can open any program on any desktop.



??? I really had no idea this was a thing. Maybe adding a default desktop option in settings wouldn’t be a bad thing after all.

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I have 8 desktops and dedicate each one to different operations: Firefox, 2 Dolphins @ /tmp and /mnt/sda5/Downloads on Desktop 3; 3 Dolphins at the PorteuX modules folders on Desktop 1; 4 vnc connections on Desktops 5, 6, 7 and 8; 2 Konsoles and 2 Dolphins on Desktop 2.

Now all I need to do is make some scripts.



@vektor I think you don’t need any script, you may go in kde settings>window rules menu and set an individual rule from there to have any application on any desktop you want on start thanks to the position attribute

Bonus : CTRL+SHIFT+Meta and arrows move an application to another desktop