I’m not sure I understand. You simply want a given desktop to launch when you’re logged in?
If so, make a little script ( sleep 5 && wmctrl -s X) and put it in autostart. (Guess you don’t even need the sleep)
Me think you shouldn’t ask me to ( or not) submit a suggestion. Personally, I probably use a xdotool a 100% more than I do wmctrl but, yeah, some people might wanna know.
I have 8 desktops and dedicate each one to different operations: Firefox, 2 Dolphins @ /tmp and /mnt/sda5/Downloads on Desktop 3; 3 Dolphins at the PorteuX modules folders on Desktop 1; 4 vnc connections on Desktops 5, 6, 7 and 8; 2 Konsoles and 2 Dolphins on Desktop 2.
@vektor I think you don’t need any script, you may go in kde settings>window rules menu and set an individual rule from there to have any application on any desktop you want on start thanks to the position attribute
Bonus : CTRL+SHIFT+Meta and arrows move an application to another desktop