Default window possition on Win 10

I am using kile for Windows on Windows 10 and the window always opens with the top left corner in the middle of the screen.
Is there a way to make it open maximized by default?
I tried to search, but it seems to be “kde global setting” rather than “kile setting”.

Still would be interested in any thoughts.

Open maximized on Windows 10

As a workaround I would probably run it with start /max kile
(see Windows commands | start)

Not tried (with kile) myself because the only computer with still windows on it I have access to is, not my own, for work only.

Thank you for the suggestion.

Unfortunately, I tried to edit the registry to run this when the association to .tex is invoked (which is my standard way of running kile), but it led to an error when Windows tried to invoke the association and it did not run kile at all.

Just tried with Windows’s notepad.exe and a .txt file. Does not work either, I see.

Managed to do it anyway by creating a “notepad.cmd” with:

echo off
start /max %SystemRoot%\System32\NOTEPAD.EXE %*

in it.

But when i tried to associate that notepad.cmd with text files the “normal” user way Windows 10 refused to do it :rage: .
Had to regedit and , in my test case, change
%SystemRoot%\System32\NOTEPAD.EXE %1
D:\notepad.cmd %1

Now it works.

Way more complicated than I thought it would be, and normally I would not necessary recommend something that requires editing the registry but because you already mentioned it, maybe something similar (with kile) works for you.

(And now I have to quickly undo my modifications :smirk: )
Good luck.

Thanks for the experimenting.
Unfortunately, it also didn’t work form me.

In my case, the call appears in registry under
but changing the first two changes the other two also.

And the linking to the .tex files seems to be made through
where you can find
or some othe way.

There are some other places, where kile.exe appears in the registry.

Changing the calls to the prepared .cmd file resulted in an infinite loop of the cmd file running another instance of itself and then killing itself, which is kind of hard to get rid of :slight_smile:

I guess I have enough of experiments with regedit for some time :slight_smile:

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