Dell 2in1 laptop with kubuntu, how to reverse display

I’m using kubuntu on my dell 2in 1 laptop and would like to know is
there a way to be able to flip the display when I reverse the display
part so the screen is able to re align the display. This was a
windows/dell feature. I have searched the kubuntu software but can not
locate any app to do this . Please help if You can. Thanks

William Brayden

Hi! For what it’s worth, while I don’t have a convertible laptop/tablet device personally, others (plasma - How to autorotate convertible laptop screen in Ubuntu and Kubuntu? - Ask Ubuntu) have had some luck by installing a specific package from the Ubuntu repositories - iio-sensor-proxy - to enable KDE Plasma to auto-detect rotation.

Double-checking the Display & Monitor section of System Settings to see if auto-rotation is enabled, and making sure you are using a Wayland session when you log in to your device, might also be helpful.

Folks here with similar devices to yours might be able to offer more specific advice :slight_smile:

Note that automatic screen rotation is only supported on Wayland. In a Wayland session, it should work automatically provided that you also have the iio-sensor-proxy package installed and the drivers for your hardware report rotation properly.

So if automatic rotation isn’t working, one of those requirements isn’t being met.

I can’t find how to get to a setting to go to the wayland setting. On my main plasma screen at the left bottom screen there is a click on to choose a plasma desktop or a Budgle Desktop but no wayland any suggestions? Thanks

Your distro may have put the Plasma Wayland session in a separate package that needs to be installed.