I am using DigiKam (v.8.1.0) on Kubuntu (v.22.04.3 LTS). I do not manage to access images from my NAS (Synology). Under Settings > configure digikam > collections I can click on the directory on the NAS. But it does not appear under ‘Album’. Using dolphin I can access the network drives permanently mounted using fstab with smb.
What happens if, you mount the NAS using NFS?
- You’ll have to configure your NAS to NFS export the directory tree containing the images.
Thank You very much for Your suggestion. Using NFS it works, I can access my images on the Synology NAS.
Using NFS it works, as I alreagy mentioned. But on my laptop I am using WiFi and there is always the problem that the mounting point does not automatically connects to the NAS folder (NFS) on booting. Using autofs instead of an entry in fstab helped here. Now all is perfect.
Thank You again very much!