The issue is as follows: whenever I’m streaming in Discord with latest KDE Wayland and move my cursor the stream bugs out on Discord. It starts jumping back and forth and glitching in other ways, if I don’t move my mouse it plays smoothly.
It only happens in Discord under KDE. I installed GNOME for testing and there I didn’t encounter this issue. Whenever I play a game on Steam this isn’t an issue (if I understand this correctly it seems to only occur when using kwin, as to my understanding steam uses gamescope and gnome uses mutter, but I hardly even know the words I’m saying at this point)
I’m quite new and I’ve been searching for solution and at this point I’ve hit a dead end. Anyone have any clue of what this could be?
Hi! Just curious, do you know if Discord is fully up-to-date, and how up-to-date its underlying components are? And, does the issue occur if you use other software to screen share, like OBS Studio?
I’m asking as there are two existing reports in the KDE Bugtracking System that seem potentially related:
Based on how long ago that first bug was resolved, I’d suspect you’re experiencing the second one. If so, then it might be helpful to add your system information and applications used to screen share as a comment to that issue, since it sounds like it’s different from what’s already captured in that bug report.
Hi! Discord is fully up-to-date and it’s dependencies are also up-to-date. I ran a pacman -Syu a couple minutes ago.
It isn’t the first one yeah, as I couldn’t reproduce it.
Now that I went and tried OBS Studio again it would seem it’s happening there as well, it’s just less aggressive than Discord so I guess I didn’t notice it first time around.
Ah - that would be good detail to add to that second bug report then, along with the basics of your graphics setup (hardware, kernel version/drivers) - in case there’s anything specific to a specific system configuration.