I’ve been looking at the Discover - KDE Applications page and it says that there is an org.kde.discover package on flathub, which I haven’t been able to find on the official site. If the package doesn’t exist, it would be good to provide it.
that flatpak button does indeed take you to a 404 page, which is something for the website administer to fix.
but what exactly are you trying to accomplish?
do you have a plasma install that does not include a native linux discover package for some reason?
what happens if you open a console and type plasma-discover
can you share the output?
No, just that the site suggests the existence of a flatpak package for discover, I thought it could be distributed through another means or if someone has the manifest, I would like to install discover through this means.
searching flathub shows nothing for discover, plasma, or plasma-discover, so i don’t think it exists.
i can’t even imagine why it should.
I don’t know if it would be possible for something like Discover to operate within the container confines of Flatpak? But to OP’s point, assuming it won’t exist, then the apps.kde.org page shouldn’t imply that it does / link to a non-existent page.
@bztd , have you already contacted the kde-www@kde.org email address at the bottom of that page to let them know?
I don’t know how much Discover is configured, but there are packages in flatpak with enough permissions to be able to manage others. I could try to create the package for personal use… Anyway, thanks for your answers and I’ll see if I can report the broken link.
The broken link seems to be common with other pages