Dithering problem with Kstars

I noticed a very serious problem after I updated to the latest version, which forces me to no longer run automatic sessions.

When Ekos dithers through the internal guider, the telescope is moved by the preset dithering value, but the guider is not deactivated, with the result that it goes crazy and tries to move the telescope back to the previous position, effectively canceling the dithering operation.

I have never had this problem before. The dithering was performed and the guider restarted from the new position, effectively resetting the two values ​​RA and DEC.

Thanks for answer.

Are you talking about an issue with KStars?

yes, exactly. I don’t know if this is the right place to report the problem to a developer.
In the previous version this problem did not exist. From version 3.7.3, the function that momentarily interrupts the internal guide of Ekos, during dithering, has been skipped due to an error, and the guide, now, try to correct the new position of the mount after the dithering operation, trying to bring back the mount to the original position it had before the dithering. If the dithering is a few pixels more, the guide crashes, giving an error. The only solution is stop manually, and start manually to take the next image.
It is not possible to run an automatic imaging session with this problem, unless dithering is excluded.

This is a general support forum for all the software from the KDE project. If you want to talk about a specific thing - you should mention the name of the thing.

I know nothing about Kstars, but from what little I understand - it sounds like you should open a bug report at bugs.kde.org

Thanks! I will open