Does Anyone Know What Part of My Theme I Need to Change to Fix Discover

This is the only app that appears to be broken with my theme and it is only this page.

That’s a strange one! Are you using a kvantum theme to change your application style? I’d try that first.

No kvantum theme it is just the material dark color scheme, everything else is still default breeze.

I’m not sure then. You may have to try disabling everything one by one.

I know that switching color themes will fix the issue. I want to fix this one though. There are a bunch of different colors to customize in the color scheme though and that is specifically what I am looking for help with.

Does any know exactly which color to change for example there is view background view text and a bunch more. I tried every thing that I can think of to no avail. I figured maybe a new setting got added to the color scheme that this one doesn’t currently provide. If I could figure out what that is, then I could add it myself.

Sorry to bump an old thread, but did you ever figure this out? I’m trying to find a color scheme I like, and a lot of the darker ones seem to have the same issue you listed in the OP.

You don’t need to fix your color scheme; this was a bug in either Discover or Kirigami (can’t remember which one). It’s definitely fixed by Plasma 6.3, and likely earlier.