Dolphin - Could not find the "keditfiletype" executable in PATH


I’m on Pop!_OS 22.04 with Gnome, and I’ve installed Doplhin from Flathub.

When I open any file, the Gnome “Open with” window pops out asking me to select the app to use.
I want to set a default for a specific file, so I go to “Properties” → “Open With” → “Change” and Dolphins says Could not find the "keditfiletype" executable in PATH..

Could you please help me to fix it in the Flatpak package, without having to install the .deb version of Dolphin?


Install kde-cli-tools package/flatpak if you want this feature.

keditfiletype is part of this.

The package is installed by default with plasma, but not with simply dolphin apparently in Ubuntu/Pop!/Flatpak.

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I tried to install it sudo apt install kde-cli-tools and relaunch Dolphin, but no luck, same issue. Probably it should be installed as Flatpak package, but I’m not sure how to do that

Is it possible this is some combination of the Dolphin Flatpak not having permissions to find that executable in the system, and/or a mismatch between the Flatpak being Plasma/Qt6 based, while the components available in Pop!_OS 22.04 will all be Plasma/Qt5 based?

ehm not sure!
About I have the Flatseal app to granularly set specific permissions per app, but I’m not sure what permission it’d need (I’d like to upload some screenshots, but I can’t, as a new user of this board :frowning: )

Found a few related links here:

Flathub issue for the Dolphin Flatpak, related to what you’re seeing: Unable to edit File Type Options for file/folder properties · Issue #57 · flathub/org.kde.dolphin · GitHub

Open merge request to implement kde-cli-tools as part of the Flatpak packaging: Add kde-cli-tools to get keditfiletype5 by travier · Pull Request #58 · flathub/org.kde.dolphin · GitHub

In the meantime, using Flatseal to provide full filesystem access to Dolphin might be worth testing as a workaround. That would entail the security caveats that on principle, you want every application to have as little access as possible - though if you are using Dolphin as your main file manager, you might specifically want it to have that access anyway.

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Thanks for the info! I’m gonna monitor those issues