Dolphin has a white background despite being on a black theme

I was wondering where dolphin gets its background color from and if it was possible to change it

System Settings >> Colors and Themes >> Colors.

Many Global themes will come with a Color scheme that will show up here, and you can edit these as you like on top of that.

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dolphin’s background isnt matching the theme for some reason (with it being white for an unknown reason), is there a file it references for the color data or something?

The color scheme selected defines the colors for the different application window elements.

Which color scheme is set in System Settings, if it isn’t Breeze? (I assume it is not breeze, as the colors are not correct for that.)

User installed schemes, like those from Global themes, will be in ~/.local/share/color-schemes.

Stock Breeze ones will be in /usr/share/color-schemes.

.local/share/color-schemes doesnt exist and editing /usr/share/color-schemes/ArtixDark.colors (the only file in that folder) hasnt changed anything (even after rebooting)

It looks like you messed up your system royally - either that or you just cannot type.


This exists on Plasma installations if you don’t delete it.

Next is /usr/ which are stock/templates which will be overwritten when you update/upgrade.


This is a system folder - you shouldn’t edit these - you should think about opening your color-scheme dialog and copy - save as (will create your local copy) and edit that.

this isnt plasma, this is xfce

Lol, that would have been handy to know up front, maybe.

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does dolphin look at a different location depending on the DE?

You’ll have to have a very good look at the qt5 style plugins. It’s a tool that makes qt apps have a uniform theme look on gtk DE’s. That being said, Dolphin is a poor choice to use in xfce. You’ll miss out on a lot of functionality ( looks just being one of them). Some functionality that can be achieved even by Thunar, Caja or Nemo for that matter.
Aaanywho…check if you have the qt5ct and qt5-style-plugins packs installed first.

Another option could be to run dolphin in Kvantum. Of course, you’d need a matching theme ( or make one yourself of course). And, of course, you’d probably still need the qt5ct.

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