Hello everyone, I am new to handling the Linux command line and I am trying to build okular on my aarch64 Chromebook.
I run this command: sudo cmake … -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/bin/okular/build
and I got this error
I tried to install extra-cmake-modules but the error persist.
Any help, please?
Unrelated to your problem: I think you want the prefix to be /usr/local.
As for your problem: did you install extra-cmake-modules built with Qt 6 (not Qt5)? 5.240 is a codename for the beta for ECM6, so ECM6 is a minimum requirement.
We do have a guide on building KDE software manually (ignore the “--prefix over CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX” recommendation for now), and a guide on understanding and solving build dependency errors.
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Thank you for your response.
I followed the links you provided. But not everything worked as expected on the wikis. Probably it is a problem with my Chromebook’s architecture (aarch64).
I successfully installed Okular using this command:
sudo apt-get install task-kde-desktop
Thank you.