Continuing the discussion from Let's prepare at POC: "EU OS" KDE Plasma workstation for the EU public administration:
For “EU OS”, I want to add few desktop customisations to demonstrate the workflows and possibities. I want to start with an EU-themed splashscreen.
EU OS Plasma Splashscreen
My current idea is to have an early concept of a logo, export them to a few static SVGs and possibly add some little bit of animation via QML. Unfortunately, I have not worked with QML yet.
Your ideas for the logo and the splashscreen would be greatly appreciated.
Logo idea so far
Inkscape SVG:
I would try to make the cursors move around OS in the splash screen and add some background with gradient blue to milkyway purple (because I like purple!)
- logos of EU institutions and agencies Annex A2 – Emblems - Interinstitutional Style Guide - Publications Office of the EU
- Commission corporate font is derived from PF Square Sans Pro, but hardly any logo uses this font (source)