I like using tiles to keep my windows organized. I use virtual desktops to organize my work by various topics and tasks.
I’d like to be able to use a different tile layout on each of my virtual windows. Then I could set up one tile layout for my Home VD, another tile layout for a VD that I am using for programming, another tile layout for the VD that I’m doing documentation on, etc.
I find having the same tile layout on every VD makes tiling almost useless because I don’t want to have the same tile layout for each of my tasks as they all use different applications and I thus want the tiling setup to be different for each.
I’d also like to be able to create a tile layout and save it and then be able to recall it to use it again.
Let’s say I want to work on a piece of code. I could create a new VD for the task and then open a tile template that I have saved and apply it to the VD. Then I could open the apps that I want to use on the VD and slide them into the appropriate tile. All without spending time creating and sizing the tile layout I want for the VD and also without messing up the tile arrangement I have on my other VDs.
KDE rocks !
Update: If I was going to submit this in KDE Bugzilla, which “component” would I submit it against ? frameworks-kwindowsystem ?