Fixing Wayland: Xwayland screen casting

@David_Edmundson FINALLY able to find somebody involved in XWayland Video Bridge.

There’s no install instructions, not even “just use make” or “just use cmake” or anything like that. Very unhelpful.

Also, the only flatpak I was only to see was Nightly, not a versioned release. Um…I run Debian for a reason. I’m OK installing flatpaks for some things for newer versions, things like that, but I don’t want to run nightlies.

org.kde.xwaylandvideobridge is not on Flathub, and the only flatpak repo I was able to was your nightly. I even found Tutorials/Flatpak - KDE UserBase Wiki which says to use Flathub, otherwise for nightlies there’s a section. Which I found Index of /flatpak/xwaylandvideobridge-nightly.

Tried to get some help via Installation instructions for XWaylandVideoBridge? thread, but nothing useful after several days.

So, while I’m sure this works awesome, and I don’t want to sound too ungrateful, but any way to add it to whatever the regular flathub versioned releases? You have version tags, why not release those to flathub like the rest of the KDE applications? And maybe a tiny bit more documentation besides “Release Process”?