Flatpak Tokodon emoji display

One of the barriers for me using the Tokodon Fediverse client is the lack of emoji character display. I am using version 24.12.1 flatpak version and any emoji characters are displayed in mono either with the emoji or just a square with a white space (see the attached image of a post with countries flags on it).

Compare this with using the flatpak version of Tuba (a gnome app I believe) and you can see all the emoji is full colour (same post).

I have checked and I have NotoColorEmoji.ttf installed in /usr/share/fonts/truetype/noto. I also have EmojiOneColor-SVGinOT.ttf in ~/.local/share/fonts.
Also after perusing various web posts I have installed in 01-emoji.conf the following:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <fontconfig> <alias> <family>serif</family> <prefer> <family>Noto Sans</family> <family>Noto Color Emoji</family> <family>Noto Emoji</family> </prefer> </alias> <alias> <family>sans-serif</family> <prefer> <family>Noto Sans</family> <family>Noto Color Emoji</family> <family>Noto Emoji</family> </prefer> </alias> <alias> <family>monospace</family> <prefer> <family>Noto Sans</family> <family>Noto Color Emoji</family> <family>Noto Emoji</family> </prefer> </alias> <dir>~/.fonts</dir> </fontconfig>
and put it in both ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d and ~/.var/app/tokodon/cache.
I have also ran fc-cache -f -v as a user and there was a lot of output referring fonts (I can post the full response if required).

I have tried pasting emoji characters into other flatpak apps and they seem to work, but this has not been in any extensive.

System is Kubuntu 24.10, default Plasma version under Wayland.

Any help or pointers on where to go on this very gratefully received.

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I also use the Flatpak version of Tokodon. My default font is Sans Serif, and all flag emojis display correctly.

However, there are other issues with emojis. As shown in the second screenshot, emojis appear correctly in the menu, but in the address bar, they turn black and white.

Thanks for that. Changed the default font to San Serif size 10, but the emoji remained as black and white squares etc.
I have removed EmojiOneColor-SVGinOT.ttf in ~/.local/share/fonts using the font management in system settings, but still no change.

Just found that there is a snap version, running version 25.03.70. Still the same problem with the fonts, so wondering if it’s something wrong with the Kubuntu 24.10 install rather than anything else.
I have removed fonts-noto-color-emoji and installed fonts-emojione, logged out and in, but still no change.
Can’t think of what else to do at the moment :confused:

Just installed Kubuntu 25.04 daily on a virtual machine with everything as default (Plasma 6.3 beta) and using Tokodon 24.12.1, the emoji characters are displayed as expected. This means that it is definitely my installation as earlier tried the present install with a new standard user and the emoji characters were not s displayed.
Back to square one :unamused:

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This is a Qt issue, one that is hopefully fixed in Qt 6.9 coming later this year. There’s other ways to β€œfix” this, which it seems you already tried.

Thanks for the reply, good to know.