Folders in icons only task manager

I happen to use 5 messaging services (Discord, Slack, WhatsApp(WPA), Signal, Google Messages(PWA)) and I use all of them regularly. I hate the fact that my panel has like 5 seperate apps instead of 1 folder. Adding folders for task manager panel like in android with folder features like folder naming would be nice!

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The folder feature in Android is on it’s equivalent of the desk not on a panel. Now that said it would be nice to be able to drag one icon top of another and create a folder rather it’s on the desktop, on the taskbar, or in another folder.

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True. In the meantime you could look for a simple menu or something.
For example, better popup launcher. Dunno what’s available for P6, but the fav application widget should still be there.

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And you think we haven’t considered that and simply said no?

Well, I guess someone simply said no to the drag n drop after they considered it.