Full page mode for okular by default


I’d like to have okular that way, that a PDF is always shown in “full page” mode (scaled page fits perfectly inside window) - full page, not full screen :-).

I can’t find any settings for that to make that permanent. Is there a way on how to do this?



What’s “full page”? Do you mean like this?

Hi - I think what you’re looking for is under Settings > Configure Okular > General > Default zoom:

Mine is set to “Fit Page”, which sounds like what you’re looking for as well - when a PDF loads, you see a scaled (usually scaled-down) view of the first full page.

Hope that helps,

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I came here looking for a solution to the same problem…
(at least I think so? it could be that it is not Okular problem?)

I would like for files to open “full page” mode, but despite having it set as recommended Okular insists on opening files as shown in attached screen dump :roll_eyes:

any ideas, please?

Hi - hmm, from what I can see that does look like it would be “Fit Page”, where the full first page is visible within the Okular window from the start. Could you maybe show an example of what the view is that you’re trying to get to, once you’ve already moved things around?

thank you!
and sure, here it is:
what I am getting (by default):

and here is what I would like to happen (without me having to re-adjust the window every time I fire Okular):

perhaps it is Okular window that I want to fill the screen - Okular window to be “maximised” by default when opening? (not full screen)

It just seems to be frozen in this position and this size?

Are you sure no window rule is set for okular?

no, there are no rules set at all, but…
I think I just found it:
disabling “Allow KDE apps to remembere the position of their own windows”
solved it

it seems to have been the culprit :grimacing:

I see - what Okular is referencing by the view of the file, like “Fit” or “Fill”, refers to what Okular is doing within its own window.

You’re spot on, then, that what you really want is for Okular to start up maximized by your desktop’s window manager.

I just saw your reply here from a minute ago - if that works generally for you, perfect. If you end up finding that you generally want that setting to be enabled again, but still want Okular to always start maximized regardless, then the below steps should help :slight_smile:

First, right-click on the Okular title bar and choose More Actions > Configure Special Window Settings…

Choose Add Property, look for “maximize”, and add both the horizontal and vertical maximized properties to the rule:

Then click Yes on the radio buttons for both of those, and make sure the drop-down is set to “Apply initially”:

That’s great @johnandmegh
Thank you for detailed instructions
although I was trying to avoid special settings :wink:
in my book they are traps for - old codgers who do something and then forget how and why they did it :rofl:
KDE is complicated enough as it is :+1: