Glava visualizer settings

For those who want this type of bling on their desktop ( plasma 5).

I totally forgot about this one cause when I installed it, I couldn’t figure out the x/y settings. On kde you have to create a windowrule for this stuff.
Like so:

Window Matching: Class: Exact Match: glava
Size & Position: Position: Force: x,y ( set to your likings)
Size & Position: Size: Force: w,h ( set to your likings)
Arrangement & Access: Keep Below: Force: Yes
Arrangement & Access: Skip Taskbar: Force: Yes
Arrangement & Access: Skip Pager: Force: Yes
Arrangement & Access: Skip Switcher: Force: Yes
Appearance & Fixes: No titlebar and frame: Force: Yes

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I didn’t even know glava was a thing! thanks for sharing!