Glowy bar at bottom of screen

I have the floating panel set to dodge windows. When I approach the bottom of the screen with the pointer, just before the panel unhides itself a thin “glowy” bar about ~15-20px in height and the same length as the panel appears first, then the panel. The bar is the same color as the system highlight (in my case orange). It also shows up in full screen apps even though the panel does not. Sadly, this phenomenon does not show up on a screenshot.

Is this normal behavior? If so, can it be turned off? I do not know why it is there, and I find it distracting. It also seems to unnecessarily slow down the re-appearance of the panel, and it feels like a glitch. I checked the panel config and there is nothing relating to that bar, and all my screen edge effects are turned off in System Settings.

I am using X11 with Nvidia 550 with a fully updated Neon 6.1.4.

You can disable the effect in Window Management > Desktop Effects > Screen Edge.

The glow showing up on fullscreen windows is a bug though. You should report it in

As mentioned, screen edges are turned off already. Seems to be a bug.

Reading comprehension seems to be lagging with me of late. You mentioned DTE but my brain defaulted to the screen edge in the mouse section of Ksettings. That fixed it, thanks. Ahhh that is soooo much better.

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