Help With Kate Editor

Kate Issues in Vi Mode, Snippets, and Clangd Diagnostics**

I’ve been using Kate for a while now, and I really enjoy it. It’s a god-tier editor with an amazing UI, great performance, and solid Vi mode support. However, I’ve encountered a few issues that I’d love to get some insights on.

1. Vi Mode - Jumping Between Snippet Nodes Requires Extra Step

When using snippets in Vi mode , jumping between ${} nodes does not directly allow me to type . Instead, I have to press c (change) first, to start typing.

Example snippet:

for ${index} in range(${value}):

2. Visual Glitch While Resizing Terminal

I’m experiencing a visual glitch when resizing the terminal while Kate is open. I have linked a screen recording showing the issue:

Link To Reddit Post With Video

3. Clangd Doesn’t Show Error Squiggles in Editor

While using clangd with Kate, errors don’t appear as red squiggly lines in the editor like other LSPs do. Instead, they only show up in the Diagnostics panel.

However, other LSPs work fine, displaying inline errors correctly. Is this a clangd issue or something I need to configure in Kate?

Has anyone else encountered these issues? Any fixes or workarounds?

Despite these minor issues, I still think Kate is an incredible editor, and I’d love to tweak it to be even better! and eventually use it as my main editor.


System INFO

Fedora 41 KDE Spin