I used the HWinfo and Htop and i see th Nvidia in 0%, oh my god, how can we activate that, i have configured the Nvidia, that mean the dreiver is well installed,etc. But Kdenlive don’t use this. Somebody tell me please,
Hi, and welcome to the forum and community.
Kdenlive uses melt and ffmpeg for rendering: melt for applying all effects, filters, compositing, and transitions; ffmpeg for encoding. Only the encoding can be done with GPU support by using a profile from the HW Accelerated (experimental)
category (nvenc for nvidia, vaapi for AMD). With the encoding part being the shortest/smallest of the rendering process, one can expect the GPU use to be fairly small.
In order to get full GPU support for playback and for rendering, the movit library needs to be enabled which is currently not possible due to incompatibilities with melt.
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