How to "chain" or do multiple things with custom commands in Haruna?

I’m reading this documentation, but I’m still confused:

I want to use StreamController to do a series of things at the press of a button:

  1. Clear the current playlist
  2. Open a specific playlist
  3. Shuffle the playlist
  4. Set a specific volume
  5. Play

So the 5 steps above needs to be chained into a single “custom command” and set to a new keyboard shortcut (which I can trigger via StreamController). But I don’t see any examples on how to accomplish this (or maybe it needs scripting, but that’s advanced so I don’t fully understand how to do that).

Can anyone give me a few pointers here, please?

Haruna’s playlist is separate from mpv, so you can’t modify it through custom commands.

Custom commands are mostly there to change mpv properties that are not available otherwise in Haruna.

I do want to add a way to run multiple commands/actions.

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