How to change folder icons in Dolphin for Windows


I am using Dolphin file manager for Windows, and I am on Windows 11.
I would like to know if it is possible to change the default blue folder icon for other different icon that I like, and apply to all folders.
I mean change the default icon theme for all folders that are placed in each windows ( not on the navigation bar that is on the left ).
When I click on a folder it leads to select another icon, I select it, but nothing changes. The default blue icon remains the same.
The only icons that I can change are the little ones placed in the navigation bar, but not on the windows.
Is this option available for the Windows version of Dolphin, or not yet ?
If it is possible, how do I have to proceed ?
I will be grateful for any help. Thanks!

Hello there!

I also had this problem, and created a Bug report in the link:
498583 – Can not change folder icons in Dolphin for Windows

How do you did that? I could not change any icons.