How to configure kde-builder for plasma-workspace?

I read the kde-builder documention on how to set it up.
I think I understood on how to setup groups based on kde-projects but I can’t get it to work for plasma/plasma-workspace.
Either I have misconfigured the YAML or there is something wrong with the script.

Here is my YAML:

config-version: 2
  branch-group: kf6-qt6
  include-dependencies: true

  source-dir: ~/kde/src  # Directory for downloaded source code
  build-dir: ~/kde/build  # Directory to build KDE into before installing
  install-dir: ~/kde/usr  # Directory to install KDE software into
  # qt-install-dir: ~/kde/qt  # Directory to install Qt if kde-builder supplies it
  log-dir: ~/kde/log  # Directory to write logs into

  cmake-options: >
  num-cores: "auto"
  num-cores-low-mem: "auto"
  install-login-session: true
  stop-on-failure: true
  directory-layout: flat
  cmake-generator: Ninja
  compile-commands-linking: true
  compile-commands-export: true
  generate-clion-project-config: false
  generate-vscode-project-config: true
  generate-qtcreator-project-config: false
include ${build-configs-dir}/kde6.yaml: ""

group plasma:
  repository: kde-projects
    - plasma/plasma-workspace

When I do kde-builder plasma I get:

Fetching remote changes to sysadmin-repo-metadata
Merging sysadmin-repo-metadata changes from branch master
 * plasma/plasma-workspace is not found in KDE projects, and there is no defined module with such name in the config.

I am on latest Arch (EndeavourOS).
kde-builder is fetched/installed via curl from the git repo as per the instructions on the docs.

Hi, I have recenlty configured my kde-builder. Everything works fine. Does any other build work? Like kde-builder kcalc or kde-builder plasma-desktop

It’s just plasma-workspace, not plasma/plasma-workspace.

Note that plasma-workspace is just the shared components used by Plasma Desktop, Plasma Mobile, etc. If you want the whole desktop you can use workspace which is an alias just for that, as mentioned in Building KDE software with kde-builder | Developer.

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Your post gave me the start to solve it.
Simply issuing kde-builder kcalc (using the above yaml) still errored out because of plasma/plasma-workspace.
So I just commented out the group definition in the yaml and everything worked. Now issuing simply kde-builder plasma-workspace works.

Technically your post is the solution.
However, the kde-builder docs are confusing.
They don’t give directions on figuring out how kde is organized group-wise.
For instance, when I go to I am presented with a bunch of groups. And “plasma-workspace” is found under the “plasma” group.
Apparently these groups aren’t “kde-builder” groups. I wise it was more clear on how to compile each repo found on (via kde-builder).

oh, and when I say “docs” I mean these ones: KDE Builder Documentation — KDE Builder documentation

You are right. This is because of legacy “virtual” paths used in metadata. I proposed to get rid of them multiple times or align legacy (projectpath) with modern (repopath). See Remove projectpath field (#2) · Issues · Sysadmin / Git Repository Metadata · GitLab