I read the kde-builder documention on how to set it up.
I think I understood on how to setup groups based on kde-projects
but I can’t get it to work for plasma/plasma-workspace
Either I have misconfigured the YAML or there is something wrong with the script.
Here is my YAML:
config-version: 2
branch-group: kf6-qt6
include-dependencies: true
source-dir: ~/kde/src # Directory for downloaded source code
build-dir: ~/kde/build # Directory to build KDE into before installing
install-dir: ~/kde/usr # Directory to install KDE software into
# qt-install-dir: ~/kde/qt # Directory to install Qt if kde-builder supplies it
log-dir: ~/kde/log # Directory to write logs into
cmake-options: >
num-cores: "auto"
num-cores-low-mem: "auto"
install-login-session: true
stop-on-failure: true
directory-layout: flat
cmake-generator: Ninja
compile-commands-linking: true
compile-commands-export: true
generate-clion-project-config: false
generate-vscode-project-config: true
generate-qtcreator-project-config: false
include ${build-configs-dir}/kde6.yaml: ""
group plasma:
repository: kde-projects
- plasma/plasma-workspace
When I do kde-builder plasma
I get:
Fetching remote changes to sysadmin-repo-metadata
Merging sysadmin-repo-metadata changes from branch master
* plasma/plasma-workspace is not found in KDE projects, and there is no defined module with such name in the config.
I am on latest Arch (EndeavourOS).
is fetched/installed via curl from the git repo as per the instructions on the docs.