I recently migrated from FreeBSD to Debian.
I used to start KDE runtime this way via .xinitrc:
# note: see /usr/share/X11/xkb for xkb settings
setxkbmap -model pc104 -layout us -variant alt-intl -option ""
# comment out to turn on xorg's default screensaver
xset -dpms s off
# midori &
# start up KDE runtime stuff
kbuildsycoca5 --noincremental
kded5 &
exec fvwm3
On Debian, the behaviour of KDE programs is rather strange.
They start up very slowly, often only after a long while.
Sometimes I find me very surprised by seeing Kwrite, Kate, Spectacle or the like pop up suddenly, and while scratching my head, I remember having started them via start menu, sometimes a few times because nothing appeared on the screen.
And today I thought of trying to start them via Konsole, for maybe some debug-assisting information.
What I got was this:
memo:~> spectacle
Couldn't start kglobalaccel from org.kde.kglobalaccel.service: QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply", "Did no
t receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security polic
y blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.")
When letting it run without interrupting, the Spectacle window suddenly popped up after, say, 15 minutes, and the computer became unresponsive to keyboard input, the mouse cursor still moved but the pointer no longer reacted to the context above which it was (eg not changing its shape) and also was unresponsive. One or two minutes later, the system became responsive again.
So I guess KDE needs to be started differently on Linux, as it seems that not all parts of KDE are running.
What am I missing, what do I have to do differently?
Run tasksel as root or with sudo in a terminal choose the kde-desktop, let it install everything. This should include the sddm display manager which will start when you boot. There you type in your user name and password to login to the KDE desktop with every thing loaded as it is supposed to be for that environment. The .xinitrc will no longer be necessary.
@redgreen925 Well, yes, the very first thing I did after installing using tasksel, was to get rid of plymouth and the graphical login.
I prefer to be able to start Xorg manually via startx.
And I use FVWM3 as window manager, while using various marvellous KDE utilities (Kate, Dolphin, …).
So I need the “official” KDE start instructions (kdebuildsycoca etc), just to have the runtime stuff for KDE apps set up.
The error message quoted in the OP hints to something missing what KDE apps need to have set up (something like “QDBus”).
Thus, what I need are the commands I’d have to add in .xinitrc to start up this stuff…
@redgreen925 Thank you so much m8
The idea to start up dbus before kded looks to be promising!
Right now I am in a programming marathon with about 25 windows open, and can not restart Xorg (FVWM has no session manager )
I will do tomorrow and post back the results!
@Franken14679 Yes, I recall having used systemctl to disable the display manager, I feel better without, starting xorg manually.
And, I am only using the KDE apps! Without the KDE desktop manager itself. I love the KDE apps! But I cannot seriously work with any other DM/WM than FVWM anymore But thank you very much