How to find out what "Find and group transfers" did?

I imported various banks’ transactions, including both sides of a credits/payment of credit card balances that should be a transfer. In the past I’ve located the two transactions, then chosen Edit > Group transactions, but I tried Tools > Find and group transfers. This said “Document successfully processed. 4 transfers created.”, which is great… but how can I find those transactions that turned into transfers?

(I feel I asked this before, my apologies if so.)


  1. Go to the history (it’s a pane accessible in the lower left corner of the window). If needed, you can enable that pane in View>Panels settings.
  2. Find the right line in the history. It should be named Find and group transferts. The more recents are at the top of the list.
  3. Right click on it and select Open transactions modified by this transaction… (although it does not mean anything IMO, it will do what you asked for).

There you go!

Thanks, I had no idea that the History panel has that feature :thinking:. There’s also Go > Open last modified… that seems to do the same thing as choosing the last item in the History panel. I filed bug 494077 to document this better in the Skrooge Handbook.