How to find what function a keyboard shortcut is for?

So I recently upgraded to Plasma 6.2 on Debian Testing, and I’m finding in konsole instead of sending alt-f to Bash (keyboard forward over next word), it’s instead for some reason opening the Find dialog, even though it’s ctl-shift-f.

How do I figure out where/how alt-f is registered as a keyboard shortcut? Whether konsole or globally. There’s so many possible things that a shortcut can be set to, if I try and look through them all I’ll probably miss it.

There is 2 types of shorcuts (as I understand):

  • global shortcut are in systemsettings > keyboad > keyboard shortcut , then there is search field where you can search for name of function/action/app or the shortcut itself like Alt+f
  • there is also app specific shortcut, non-kde app have theyre own system (like LibreOffice for exemple), kde app have a coherent interface but shortcut are specific to each app: in app go to menu settings > keyboard shortcuts (also with a search field) I think it is there you can find your shortcut (named Search ) and change it, you must have set it somehow, mine is Ctrl+Shift+F.

I’ve looked in both spots, again.

  • Global shortcuts - nothing comes up for Alt+f, Edit -> Find is Ctl+F
  • In konsole keyboard shortcuts, Find... is listed as Ctl+Shift+F

So nothing in the obvious spots.

That’s strange. do you use zsh or bash or fish? In my .zshrc I have some shortcut set.

Edit: you can check in another terminal emulator like foot or kitty (for wayland) or qterminal.
Also I know 2 configuration files, that contains shortcuts, you can look into: in ~/.config there is kdeglobalshortcutsrc and kdeglobals.

Just to double-check if it’s some sort of global issue - if you go to an application that has a standard menu bar, like Dolphin with the menu bar option toggled on, does Alt+F open the File menu as you’d expect?

I mention 2 config files which contains shortcut config, Is there others? I add to konsole the shortcut Alt+F for Find, I don’t see it appearing in any of those nor in konsolerc.
I remember there where some change to shortcut management, some drop of global shortcut support in systemsettings.
Edit: Ok I found where konsole store its modified shortcuts, it is in ~/.local/share/kxmlgui5/konsole/sessionui.rc.

@alioth9 I have no ~/.config/kdeglobalshortcutsrc file, and nothing in kdeglobals that appear to have anything to do with shortcuts.

I use bash, nothing in global or ~/.bashrc file related to shortcuts. This is definitely a konsole or KDE dialog on the konsole window with the find, as normally is opened with ctl-shift-f.

However…I think I just figured it out. When pressing alt, it underlines the hotkeys along the toolbars. There’s the Main Toolbar along the upper left, with New Tab/Split View, and the Session Toolbar along the upper right, with Copy, Paste, Find, and the hamburger menu button.

And when I press Alt, it underlines the F on the Find. When I remove the Find Toolbar button, the issue disappears.

So something in the upgrade, or inherent to Plasma 6, Alt activates the toolbar hotkeys in konsole.

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Ok the Alt triggering menu is a very old classic (before mouse exixted I think). Maybe there is a setting in systemsetting to set it but I don’t see it. Or in konsole settings.

Do you know what that functionality would be called?

Found it in Konsole settings > General there is Activate menu shortcut (not sure of the term in english)

I don’t see it anywhere. Menu → Settings → Configure Konsole

Enable menu accelerators

As I said I was not sure of the english term. But It seems you uncheck it, so now what effect as it?

That’s how it was. I never touched that setting. This is what it is after doing the Debian Testing Plasma 5 → 6 upgrade.

Ah - there is an open bug report for the fact that while “Enable menu accelerators” has a toggle, there isn’t an equivalent checkbox for toolbar accelerators: 482628 – Allow disabling toolBar accelerator

Because those toolbar accelerators are now present, and because one of the Session Toolbar options is “Find”, Alt+F with the Session Toolbar open is triggering the Find action.

In the meantime, workaround options that have come up on the Bugzilla ticket include hiding the Session Toolbar (Settings menu > Toolbars Shown), or to use Alt+Shift+F as a replacement.

Hope that helps,

Yep. That’s where they originated. But… The few that are left come in very handy when you use a desktop automation tool such as AutoKey to perform multistep tasks with the press of a hotkey (shortcut key).