How to get blurred windows in Plasma 6? With Kvantum not being an option, is there another means to achieve the same effect? I also use Flatpak apps.
You don’t need kvantum really. I’ve used lightly for a long time and adapted some color schemes to get completely transparent and blurred windows. But I’m afraid that, along with a heap of other things, lightly will be no option. Unless it will be ported of course.
If this theme Alpha - KDE Store blurred properly, then it would be perfect.
You might be waiting for some time. I have been trying to port my Klassy window decoration (which has an optional blur effect in the included Application Style) to Plasma 6, and think I have found a bug in Plasma6 whereby if you specify a blur region in the Application Style then the region is not blurred at the correct position:
The author of Lightly has disappeared but others are trying to port it to Plasma 6
here: Add support for plasma 6 · Issue #13 · boehs/Lightly · GitHub
I see. Myeah, plasma 6…Fingers crossed I guess. Me personally I can’t use it for a ton of reasons. But um…that kvantum alpha theme, for example, didn’t require
kvantum at all. You could do that with lightly and some tweaks in the color scheme. I posted a few screenshots of entirely transparent themes in “share your desktop”, no kvantum required. As for breeze application style, I’m not even sure it supports transparency settings these days.
edit: I checked. Nah it doesn’t.
With nouveau driver on old Nvidia card, 6.0.5. on Manjaro,
I have experimented with this github install and found it working for window contents and decoration (each window or window class has to have manually added opacity rules, for active/inactive windows, in %).
It will show up in Desktop Effects as Force Blur.
-Untick the ~“add opacity” (or similar) in the first tab of its settings.
-In the other tabs select, apply to all except (above classes)
-Untick blur panel, menu, ~“fix something”, and all things except window (decoration).
-Temporarily disable the default install Desktop Effects: Translucency, Blur, Background Contrast, Slide Back, Magic Lamp.
- reboot once or twice even with logins
-then see if its working with a window that you gave an opacity rule.
Now you add the other desired effects that you disabled back and see it continuously working, after a logout/-in.
I’m not on my laptop right now but can make screen shots [of the above vaguely decribed] settings if desired!
What is shocking that the default Breeze application style allows for context menus to be transparent and blurred. But not the windows themselves… So odd.