How to make dolphin mouse back button go up a directory rather than back

its a rather limited set of actions tho, i wonder if there is a way to add things to the list?

i assume you already noticed that there are a few more options under the settings button:

but yes, it seems limited. i tried to find a possible .cfg file which stores the settings made in that GUI by:

find -type f -printf '%T@ %p\n' | sort -n | tail -10

and found this file, which stores additional made settings:


but interestingly, this file, and so the GUI option seem “only” to bind dbus actions to the mouse buttons, as for example:


and no shortcuts.

so trying to understand the whole mouse-button situation better, it seems that there are two options to work with:

  1. the given settings menu under mouse options
  2. the given mouse actions menu

but, it’s getting a bit stranger: using the given mouse option menu, i can not set my back mouse button (xev button8) to e.g. switch to desktop right (Key,Meta+Ctrl+Right), because when i try to set the button, it functions! means, it does switch a menu back, instead of getting registered as button for a new to be set shortcut!

and, trying to just manipulate kcminputrc doesnt work too:



[Libinput][1739][52804][MSFT0001:00 06CB:CE44 Touchpad]

[Libinput][7805][11820][ROCCAT ROCCAT Kone Aimo 16K Mouse]


i had a similar adventure trying to utuilize the scroll-wheel discovering it seem to be “hardcoded” somewhere.

best, me (-: