Howto change account type from savings to asset?

I have an account which was created as a savings account but I would like to change it to an asset account. In the settings I could change it to checking or cash but not asset.

Which version of KMyMoney on which operating system are you using? Which storage option do you use (file or database)?

KMyMoney 5.1.3 on KDE Neon
Storage is gpg encrypted file.

There are certainly limits on the type of account available for changing. ipwizard might provide a better suggestion, but one option is to create a new account of the desired type, make sure its opening date is the same as the other account, and then select all the transactions in the old account and move them to the new one. There are also limits on account types for moving transactions, but I think what you want to do should be OK.

That did work! Thanks for your support!