I can’t log into KDE with NVIDIA

Clean system debian 12.4 netinstall (KDE Plasma 5.27?), GeForce 1060 3GB video card.
I installed the drivers from the Nvidia PPA repository (v. 545) without errors.
sddm starts without problems, but after entering the password, the screen goes dark for a second, the console flashes, and throws you back to entering the password…
debian 11 worked great. There are no errors, no logs, nothing…
I don’t know what to do. Help!

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Exactly same issue here. Need help too.

Pretty sure this question is for a debian forum, since it is on that system you install the nvidia drivers.

I find it pretty hard to believe debian supports a driver that new, but I could be wrong.

Yepp, Version 525.105.17 is the latest they support.

You guys probably don’t want to hear this, but if you want the latest drivers, you kinda have to be on a non-debian based distro.


didn’t win. switched to mode X11 on the password entry screen.