I'm new & Download page doesn't seem to have a clickable item under Linux

Yes unlike Apple the case of the command or directory matters, This is this stupidity does not happen. It will take time to get used to them. I gave up on the KDE connect and its double notification foolishness when using it really quickly. To speed thing up a cable connecting the phone to the computer would work best but as I remmber it Apple has made sure it starves people of usable ports too to lock them into their junk even more. See if there are some file transfer apps that use ftp/sftp/ssh/scp/rsync anything that will run on a Linux box to get rid of the KDE connect in the middle. Bluetooth now I think of it because I hate using it and am not interested in drive by hijackings of my phone so it is disabled at all times. That could be worth a try too.

I’m heading this morning to a drop-in for computer assistance, and maybe they can help. My laptop has no functioning Bluetooth (says so in a message on start-up), and I too keep it off permanently (II wish the phone would not turn it on automatically when I turn off Airplane Mode every morning…). FTP sounds like a good solution. Thanks.