This may seem a little strange to long term unix users but is there a manifest of default installation programs (and their dependencies)?
Everyday, I get update messages for one or more programs.
Some of these updates are to programs I never use and never will use.
I do understand that some programs may well be “shells” or rely on other programs for functionality, and that is fine.
BUT…how many of the running processes and daemons are there just in case?
As a desktop environment windows users as a collective “generally” do the same sort of things with their computer (email,browsing, document writing, photo viewing some do graphic manipulation, archiving playing games).
There are a few things that are common to mobiles that they take for granted like weather news etc, but if they weren’t there they probably wouldn’t miss them.
On unix there are many many different ways of doing the same thing. We have a myriad of choice.
Rightly so.
But a lot are “legacy” programs left there because developers and long time users prefer to use terminal as their interface. We are creatures of habit and prefer things we know. We may try new programs but unless they offer significant improvement, we stick with what we know works.
So is there a manifest of all programs installed, so that I might go through and reduce my system to the minimum I use?