Is it possible to color the scrollbar?

no mention of “scrollbar” on Understanding Plasma Styles | Developer

and I know color editor on system settings have the weirdest labels (e.g. “background window” change button colors and not windows, etc). So, I ask, is there a way to change the color of the scrollbar handle (or background, i will take it).

I think scroll bars are really important UI elements, and in low contrast they simply disappear.

can you spot the scrollbar if you lower you monitor contrast?

compare with the GTK theme:

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Most depends on the application style. You could fiddle a bit with the colorscheme in colorsscheme>view>focus decoration. But it’ll affect other stuff as well. So, choose your color very carefully or …no, you can’t as far as I know. Here’s an extreme color example:

And that will look different in another application style.
Oxygen for example:


awesome! thanks. i think i can live with the side effects.

it’s always a wilde ride learning which colorscheme item affects what.

I used to do this with qtcurve, an “application style” that was brilliant, but it hasn’t been ported to plasma 6. (One use to be able to download, that is, “get new”, application styles, but that button is gone on my plasma 6.1.5.)

Breaking news… checking the qtcurve github, it says it was ported 5 months ago! I’ll be trying that out.

qtcurve only worked for Qt applications. For gvim I use GTK ~.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css, and for firefox I use the “Custom Scrollbars” extension.

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nice! thanks for sharing.

For firefox I use the darkreader extension. I use the automation option to switch light/dark mode (also to override all sites with monospaced fonts). That way I can just use the same setup on linux and android.

My colorscheme already had light blue for “view > Focus Decoration” … did nothing to the scrollbar. Tried with “breeze” and “Oxygen” Application styles.

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I use FF in a different manner than my allowed to know daily Brave/android. Fixed theme, arkenfox and tons of css. The less extensions, the better. I could do the scrollbars with some cascading, but there’s no need for it. And the thing with those FF lunatics, they change the d…n elements on every single release. The userChrome needs to be adjusted every so often so, despite extensive, simple on core elements.

Aaaanyway…this is what it would look like, Breeze Dark,using your colors, with Lightly.

And with QtCurve:

Of course, it would help if you mentioned what application style cause I believe you’re using Oxygen.

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I also got a grey scroll bar. Except when I grab it with left mouse. Then it gets accent color.

Unsure if you want to edit the “ungrabbed” bar or “grabbed” bar. But I think youre aiming for the former. I can only help you with the latter and post my settings (if you want?).

thanks. You are correct, i’d like for the regular “ungrabbed” one. Ideally only for the focused window but I can settle for all windows.

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I think it’s your settings - mine follow hints/colour scheme highlights.

As usual, this gets weirder after every single post :slight_smile:

I do get the scrollbar color highlight on mouse over AND after i click+drag it.

Open a QT application, I get no contrast scrollbar.

Mouse over, i get the hightlight color, but only on mouse over.

Click+drag… scrollbar handle keeps the highlight.

Happens on both UI element themes I mentioned before.


(took me an hour to make a gif under 20M on kdenlive :slight_smile: the trick is very low framerate. color/rez doesn’t matter that much)

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Probably why it’s called FOCUS color and not selection.


good point :slight_smile:

so back to square one.

Me think Lightly is one of the better options for that stuff.

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Lightly and Klassy are, in my opinion, the tallest poppies in the field.

…between the crosses, row on row…