Is there any plans to add Wayland support to Krita?

I mean, Krita actually works on Wayland because of XWayland, but having wrong cursors when using a graphic tablet is more problematic than it sounds.

Sometimes I’m drawing with a brush, then switch to the Move tool accidentally, but the cursor doesn’t update, and I end moving everything because the cursor shows that I’m still using the brush.

I looked at the KDE Bugtracking System and Krita’s repo, but I don’t see anything speaking of Wayland support, apart from multiple reports of this same issue.

The Krita developers do not really visit this forum, you will get a better response on or by searching previous threads there.

But speaking from what I’ve seen (note: as someone not part of Krita), Qt6 is a higher priority. The Krita team is really talented, but only so limited in time like the rest of us :slight_smile:

In the meantime, maybe submit a bug report about the cursors issue, since that’s closer to our end? That should be fixed in XWayland or whatever is in our layers that’s causing said bug.

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It is a known bug in fact, I myself made a post about it last year in the Krita forum looking for more information.

It has already been reported and has been a known bug for some time.

Currently I use Krita with this problem, to see if I am using the correct cursor what I do is to raise the stylus for a moment (out of the recognition range of the tablet) to update the cursor, it is a bit annoying because sometimes you forget it and unintentionally you are using another tool, it happens to me a lot with the eraser, the problem more than Krita is Qt’s problem because if you use your tablet with Firefox you will not have this problem.

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Thanks for the bug links!

This isn’t totally true, there is still a layer in between Krita & our Wayland session here, XWayland. It’s possible there’s an edge case that Qt + Krita is hitting here :slight_smile: (or maybe even KWin…)

Of course, porting Krita to Wayland would solve a lot of these issues and that would be ideal

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I don’t think Qt’s is the problem, because, Firefox actually supports Wayland and this problem happen with Chromium too using X11 as Ozone platform

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Oh I see how in the bug report they say it’s a Qt problem but I certainly think it could be a combination of several things.