I mean, Krita actually works on Wayland because of XWayland, but having wrong cursors when using a graphic tablet is more problematic than it sounds.
Sometimes I’m drawing with a brush, then switch to the Move tool accidentally, but the cursor doesn’t update, and I end moving everything because the cursor shows that I’m still using the brush.
I looked at the KDE Bugtracking System and Krita’s repo, but I don’t see anything speaking of Wayland support, apart from multiple reports of this same issue.
The Krita developers do not really visit this forum, you will get a better response on krita-artists.org or by searching previous threads there.
But speaking from what I’ve seen (note: as someone not part of Krita), Qt6 is a higher priority. The Krita team is really talented, but only so limited in time like the rest of us
In the meantime, maybe submit a bug report about the cursors issue, since that’s closer to our end? That should be fixed in XWayland or whatever is in our layers that’s causing said bug.
Currently I use Krita with this problem, to see if I am using the correct cursor what I do is to raise the stylus for a moment (out of the recognition range of the tablet) to update the cursor, it is a bit annoying because sometimes you forget it and unintentionally you are using another tool, it happens to me a lot with the eraser, the problem more than Krita is Qt’s problem because if you use your tablet with Firefox you will not have this problem.
This isn’t totally true, there is still a layer in between Krita & our Wayland session here, XWayland. It’s possible there’s an edge case that Qt + Krita is hitting here (or maybe even KWin…)
Of course, porting Krita to Wayland would solve a lot of these issues and that would be ideal