Issue with Rendering MP4 in Kdenlive - Timestamps and Encoding Errors

Hi everyone,

I’m currently working on a project in Kdenlive, and I’m having issues with the rendering process. Every time I try to export my video as MP4, the process fails, and I get the following error messages in the log:

[mp3 @ 000001c41da0a5c0] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
[mp3 @ 000001c41da0a5c0] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
[mp4 @ 000001c41e91e800] Timestamps are unset in a packet for stream 1. This is deprecated and will stop working in the future. Fix your code to set the timestamps properly.
[mp4 @ 000001c41e91e800] Encoder did not produce proper PTS, making some up.

I’ve tried changing the export settings, clearing the cache, and even converting the original files, but the issue persists. Does anyone know how I can fix this timestamp issue or have suggestions for solving this rendering error?

Thanks in advance!

I get that error too. Despite Kdenlive claiming the process failed, it does output a video file in the target directory and the video plays just fine from what I can tell. Have you tried just playing the file anyways?

Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, I checked the output directory, and a video file was indeed generated. I tested it, and it plays without any issues, but it’s still not in vertical format as it should be. I set the project to vertical format (1080x1920), but the video continues to appear in horizontal orientation when I load it into the timeline. Additionally, there’s a counter on the video that I’m not sure how to remove.

I’m new to Kdenlive, so I’d really appreciate any additional advice.

Well, that’s the problem: You are using a project profile/preset with dimensions for a horizontal format (1920x1080). So, set it to 1080x1920 and make sure the ASPECT ratio is also set accordingly. Or select one of the pre-made profiles/presets for vertical videos.

The render setting for vertical basically crops the original project to fit a vertical output.


Check the Overlay setting in the render dialog window (enable More Options), or whether any clip has the Dynamic Text effect …

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I’ve had similar errors in the past, running Kdenlive on Windows 10. For some other reason I uninstalled Kdenkive, deleted the left over folder in Program files and reinstalled. After this I never got the error. I assumed there were some old files conflicting.

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Thank you all for the help and suggestions! I managed to resolve the issue with the vertical format and the counter. Your advice was invaluable, especially as I’m still new to Kdenlive.


I’m sure the problem is in the parameters passed to ffmpeg.
Change settings in Configure / Project Defaults / Timeline Preview profile