Issues with version (5:146ubuntu3)

I upgraded from Ubuntu22.04 to Ubuntu24.04 with the package manager installing version (5:146ubuntu3) of kde-plasma-desktop. In previous versions, I had no problems moving the taskbar from the top to the left (or right) side. However, the odd thing is that now right-clicking on the taskbar doesn’t respond and nothing happens. The other minor issue is that apps (i.e. QGIS) work well but don’t include the maximize and minimize buttons, which usually indicate a local error rather than any QGIS bug.
I don’t know which is the root of the problem or how to begin troubleshooting it.

Hi - do those issues persist if you create a new user profile/account on your device, and log in under that new account?

Hi @johnandmegh. [Sorry that I didn’t see your post earlier this afternoon]. I’m actually using (AWS) EC2 instances with NICE-DCV as the display protocol (not sure if you’re familiar with it). It doesn’t really matter the name of the session as the problem persists.
P.S. I tried a semi-manual installation (from ppa) with plasma-desktop being version (4:5.27.11-0ubuntu2) and it works fine. This would be a backup plan but I would prefer to be able to use the more advanced version.

Ah - I’m unfamiliar with that kind of setup, so I’ll defer to folks who might know more about anything unique there :slight_smile:

Unfortunately these all sound like configuration or packaging issues to me.