Just had to fix what wasn't broke

I was running FC39 and ?upgraded? to FC40 (that’s another story).
I like my icon panel on the right side, auto hide. Now, yes I can move the panel to the right side - but I now have a icon panel with my running apps as a stand alone. And I can’t figure out to get my running apps to show up and not in the new Icon only task manager.

I don’t understand what the problem is. Can you post a screenshot that shows the problem visually, and point out where on the screenshot the problem is?

Before I upgraded, anytime I opened an app - a browser, my email, a terminal - I’d have an icon show up in my panel. I could minimize it and the icon would stay in the panel and I could click on the icon and it would return. Someone decided that from now on those icons had to be in their own panel and that it can’t be hidden. Sometime things that work don’t need to be fixed.

Please attach a screenshot as requested.