Kate hopes and dreams (wishlist)

I’d love if there was a default config for lldb in the dap plugin. I use Kate on macOS at school, which ships with lldb instead of gdb. Installing a debugger requires privileges on macOS, which I do not have, so I cannot install or use gdb. I tried to create a config for making lldb work with the dap plugin, but due to a lack of documentation I was unsuccessful.

Here’s how I managed to get lldb to work with kate, however i’m on linux so it might be different on mac.

    "dap": {
        "lldb": {
            "url": "https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/tree/main/lldb/tools/lldb-vscode",
            "run": {
                "command": ["lldb-dap", "-p", "${#run.port}"],
                "port": 0,
                "redirectStderr": true,
                "redirectStdout": true,
                "supportsSourceRequest": false
            "configurations": {
                "launch (debug)": {
                    "request": {
                        "command": "launch",
                        "mode": "debug",
                        "program": "${file}",
                        "args": "${args|list}",
                        "cwd": "${workdir}",
                        "stopOnEntry": false

I had a drawback with Kate recently.
Using the build plugin seems unintuitive. I kept fiddling with it just to build a single C++ file.

So how is the build plugin supposed to be used?

It’s basically a plugin that runs shell commands, like cmake --build . and similar, then prints the output of the build to it’s own output window. The added bonus of this is that you can click the error links in output window to open the file, and also show the same errors in the diagnostics panel.

hi there
Instead of posting on KDEbugs or Utilities / Kate · GitLab, I prefer to submit an item to add to the wishlist.

Is it possible that kate’s filesystem module includes file templates already present/created in the $HOME/Templates folder.

it’s quite boring to always create files of the same type with the same basic information (shebang, docstring, chmod…) for a project. especially since a model is already proposed (html).

I’ve searched but can’t find a solution.

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I look forward to integrating Ollama, which not only uses AI to generate code, but also summarizes, continues and translates for the selected text. I am not a programmer, I often use Kate Editor to process plain text. :grinning:

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Cody specifically is open source and based on the principle of enhancing the prompt with context received from solargraph and the lsp, so I really hope to see it coming to Kate together with OpenCtx

Other nitpick I have are all vscode extensions that seem to not have equivalent on Kate:

also a few languages I like seem missing, specifically:

  • uiua
  • team
  • svelte
  • astro
  • jinja
  • jq
  • wsgl
  • gdshader
    And finally a preview for shaders, html and https://previewjs.com/